Monday 11 April 2011

Journal Entry #1 (EXTENDED)

Describe an experience you had that was like the experience of a character in the book.

         “I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!” –Katniss (pg.24) Seconds after prim was selected to be a tribute, Katniss volunteered to take her place. Why? She couldn’t bother seeing anything happen to her dearest little sister. Sweet little Prim going into the arena, the thought was inconceivable. I personally have had many experiences like this for I have a little brother and never would I let someone harm him in front of me. As much as we fight, I love him more then anyone else. He’s not exactly very “street-smart” and is often getting into fights, but whenever he does I drop whatever I’m doing and go. Because we have each other’s back. We have a brotherly bond, which no one can penetrate. If anyone wants to so much as lay a hand on him, they must go through me. The only one allowed touching him his me. As Astrid Alauda said, “There’s no other love like the love for a brother, there’s no other love like the love from a brother.” I would kill for him as well as be killed for him. Katniss is the exact same with Prim.